home | contents | next | index The Map of DragaeraHello, and welcome to the Map of Dragaera.
Herein I will explain how I created release 3 of the map of Dragaera, and catalog everything I think I know about the geography of Steven Brust's world of Dragaera. Even if you are not particularly interested in my reasoning, you may still find these documents useful as a compendium of what Steve has told us about the geography of Dragaera. My goal with this project is to create the richest map I can that satisfies the text. While I prefer deduction, I will resort to speculation--and even guesswork--towards this end. Although I've used the works of Steven Brust as a basis to create this map, this is my work, not his, and should you find any mistakes in this document, they should be directed to me, not him. While this project is not official, Steve has been very helpful in its creation. He has clarified some text, identified some text that is in error, and even provided information not contained anywhere in the published text. I intend to use this latter information with the implied stipulation that he might well change his mind between now and a future publication. Please beware that some of these articles may contain spoilers. While the subject matter I have chosen to cover is generally not central to the plot, it may pain you to read a passage attributed to Pel, for example, when his survival is in doubt in an earlier chapter.
![]() All maps are oriented with north toward the top of the map, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
AcknowledgementsMaps of the Earth derived from Tom Patterson's Physical Map of the World The Cartographer's Guild is an invaluable source of information, tips, and ideas about mapmaking The maps themselves were created using a variety of software, including PaintShop Pro, GIMP, Wilbur, and Irfanview Pan-and-zoomable map created with Leaflet, gdal2tiles-leaflet, commenthol/leaflet-rastercoords, muyao1987/Leaflet.LabelTextCollision (modified), makinacorpus/Leaflet.TextPath (modified), IvanSanchez's solution to keeping labels centered in the visible portion of regions, mourner/tinyqueue, mapbox/polylabel, aprilandjan/leaflet.measure (with the tweak suggested by Merion), stefanocudini/leaflet-search (modified), and mlevans/leaflet-hash. Change LogIf at any point I have to make any major changes to the Map, I'll create a Release 4, but incidental changes will appear here. 3.3
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