home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 21 - Castle RockKhaavren is from an area known as Castle Rock, Castlerock and/or the Marquisate of Khaavren: Khaavren of Castlerock Sir Tevna of Split Canyon ... Your family, if I heard correctly, comes from Split Canyon? I, myself, am from Castle Rock in the Sorannah, near the headwaters of the Yendi River.” “Ah, indeed? You must then be of the family of Shallowbanks.” “Shallowbanks, yes, and then Deguin ... the Duchess of Fourpeaks. [Zerika] deeded [Khaavren] the small but fertile valley for which he was named You have addressed me as 'Marquis'. / Khaavren is the largest district within the County of Shallowbanks. The above puts it near the source of the Yendi River, probably closer to the Laughing River (which is sometimes called the Shallow River since it flows into the Shallow Sea) than the Adrilankha River. We're told a little bit about the terrain around Castle Rock: observe the fields and meadows of Sorannah slowly pass by ... [Tazendra] shall miss the candlebud, which grows nowhere else ... Khaavren was also from this general region, which was the only area where candlebud could be found ... [Candlebud] grows only on the eastern slope of a hill or valley ... and always near running water, though never too near ... there are whole valleys that shimmer in the night the waterfalls from the Trior River, a tributary of the Shallow River which flows near my home. I guessed that "near the headwaters of the Yendi River" indicated within a day (50 miles), and since a tributary of the Laughing River flows near it, I put it just north of the Yendi River, about equidistant from the two rivers. I then marked the whole area around the source of the Yendi River, between the Adrilankha and Laughing Rivers, as a hilly region. home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |