home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 54 - Other Missing Locations (W)Watcher's Lakethe retreat from Watcher's Lake [to] reach the safety of ... Brickerstown Waterford LandingBattle of Waterford Landing WayfieldIn or near Merwin County. [Savn was] told several times that "Reins's body come into town from Wayfield." The Westering Road[Places in Arylle] the Petrose Brook ... those who live along the Seeming Road may fish [Aerich's] pond ... poachers in the back woods ... The Westering Road may be opened for transport from the mines Windhomethe Marquis of Windhome WirtonAussiar, located roughly half way between Wetrock and Candletown and nearly due north of Zerika's Point (by which we mean the geographical feature, not the city of that name which was south and west, nor the region itself, which is also referred to by that name), was in an area that had been settled later than most of those in the southwest, perhaps because of its distance from the sea--which is to say, it occupied a position with the ocean-sea on three sides, but no closer than a hundred miles on any of them, and though well supplied with streams, there was no river ... the Duchy of Wirav produces excellent wheat and other corn, whereas most of the surrounding region tends to produce only grasses suitable for the pasturing of herd animals ... with highways connecting the main city of the region, Wirtown, with White Harbor (by which we mean .. the White Harbor in the southwest, not the one in the east or the one in the far north) on one side, and Zerika's Point (that is, the city) on the other. The town of Aussiar was built not far from Wirton, where ... surface iron deposit was found ... as it was the closest iron to anywhere within the Zerika's Point region, and ... on the White Harbor Pike, which meant that coal could easily be brought in from Candletown and the Grand Canal. Near to Aussiar, but no direction is given. home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |