home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 34 - The Holdfree MinesWe are told that the only people that live in the central northern portion of the Empire are "hardy" or "foolhardy": [Winterfish] is used in the region around Finger Cove, east of the Twisted Forest--that is to say, too far north for any but the most hardy of folk, and too close to the Great Sea of Amorphia for any but the most foolhardy ... in the winter when the fish had all gone so far west And there are at least two ("various") counties here that engage in mining: certain pockets above the Great Sea of Amorphia claimed allegiance to the Pretender ... a previous Phoenix Emperor ... took mining rights from various of the counts of the district. These mining rights were probably taken from the mines mentioned here: the mines to the North ... depend on trade with the West to feed the laborers And we are even given a name for these mines: the Holdfree Mines to the north [of Dragaera City] Here's what the area to the north of the former site of Dragaera City looks like on Steve's Map:
In Release 2 of the Map of Dragaera, I thought the Holdfree Mines were the source of the Adrilankha River, but on Steve's Map, the source of the Adrilankha River is south of the Greater Sea of Chaos and quite a distance to the east. I was unable to make a convincing argument for where to put the Holdfree Mines, so I have left them off of Release 3 of the Map of Dragaera. home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |