home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 43 - Other Missing Locations (I)The Island Dutchies[an Eastern girl named Sheila] finally caught a ship to one of the island duchies where they paid well for human singers. Since they're dutchies, they're presumably part of the Empire. There are a couple of islands southwest of Hartre on Steve's Map (one of which is named Silver Island, but it's inhabited by pirates); there's also some islands northwest of the Spearhead Channel named Berryfields. Islands South of Adrilankha[from Adrilankha] Easterners to the east, and Islanders to the West and South I'm not sure to which islands Paarfi is referring. Landsight is considerably south of Adrilankha, but I know of no other islands specifically in this direction. Perhaps Holcomb? Or the unnamed island duchies? IstamarI am Istamar, named for the waterfall in Ramshorn Peak in the Kanefthali Mountains home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |