home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 3 - The EastThe first thing I did was scale and orientate the Map of the East in Brokedown Palace onto Steve's Map. To do so, I used the Mountains on the left side of that map and the River itself, which has a sharp turn southward on both maps. This resulted in Fenario being about 240 miles from Lake Fenarr, which seems small based on this passage: [From Fenario] we have a hundred leagues of plains before we come to the foothills that bring us to the pass the River has carved, and from there we must find our way to the great waterfall that is its source ... they emerged from the Wandering Forest ... after riding to it for four days and through it for another three. My guess is that this suggests that Easterners do actually measure miles differently than Dragaerans.
I went over this map and transferred all labeled locations to my map. There were a few labels that do not appear to be associated with a specific location. One of those, Mordfal, is actually a County: the Countess of Mordfal ... what could this Countess from the East Grimwall Mountains know The Eastern Mountains North of the EastSteve's Map shows the Eastern Mountains extending about 500 miles north of Lake Fenaar. However, while discussing the Map with him while working on Release 2 of the Map of Dragaera, he described the Eastern Mountains this way: The long, long chain that runs all the way to Spearhead Channel and even a thousand miles north along the eastern bank I extended the Eastern Mountains to the north another 500 miles, which is all the way to the northeastern edge of the map. home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |