home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 33 - The Massacre in TirmaIn Iorich, we're told of an event that occurs in the small hamlet of Tirma in the northwest: the village of Tirma in the county of Shalomar We were to escort a supply train from Norest to Swordrock. On that day, we were passing through Tirma, in the duchy of Carver. Tirma is a village in the far northwest. We were going through a sort of hamlet about a mile west of Seerpoint ... It was called Tirma. In the area around Lake Shalomar--right where Tirma is--they discovered silver. [Describing the region around Tirma] the Lyorn who own the forests and the Orca who buy the wood. While there's a lot of information given, nothing is told that would allow us to place this anywhere on Steve's Map, so I have left all of these locations off the map:
Duchy of Carver Lord Carver [may have] expected support from Countess Sicera and Barons Highhold and Delora. I'm not sure if these are the names of the Countess and Barons or the names of their County and Baronies. If they are the latter, then these areas are also not present on the map:
Barony of Delora home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |