home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 44 - Other Missing Locations (J)JunglebrookA town west (and maybe north) of Adrilankha: It is well known among those who live to the north of the city of Adrilankha that as the great river makes its penultimate southward turn it creates pools, bars, eddies, and shoals. [Vlad] was seen first by a Teckla who was driving an oxcart toward Favintoe Market. [From there] About two miles farther along, the road split, one side going directly to the market, the other leading toward the town of Junglebrook. This latter road, some distance before reaching the village we have just had the honor to mention, passed before a small travelers' rest where, more often than not, could be found whichever pair of Phoenix Guards was, on this day, responsible for this region home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |