home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 26 - Daeld MountainsThere is a large north/south river between the Eastern River and the Adrilankha River named the Charis River on Steve's Map I found no references to this river in any of his published works, but there is a Chareq River mentioned in Tiassa: She used silver that came all the way from Aelma, which is a city on the Chareq River near some mountains called Daeld, which is where the silver was found in the ground. These names are so similar that I asked Steve if they were the same river, and he confirmed they were: They're the same, and which one it's called depends on local accent. Since these mountains don't appear to be mentioned anywhere else, I don't think they're particularly large. I drew them just large enough to provide a source for the two sources of the Charis/Chareq River. Since Aelma is "near" the moutains, but the silver was found "in the ground," I don't think Aelma is on the slopes of the mountains themselves. It's probably on one of the two sources, well before they merge. To my eye, it appears that the eastern source "runs into" the western one, so I put Aelma a short distance south of the western source. home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |