home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 48 - Other Missing Locations (N)Naarsten County[The cheese] comes from Naarsten County, in the Sorannah. It's from a special breed of goat. County of Nagylab[Brigitta] used to live by the marshes, in the county of Nagylab The marshes are probably part of the Great Marsh, which would put Nagylab along the southern edge of the Map of the East in Brokedown Palace. Narrows of Hondramet a Dragonlord on the narrows of Hondra There is a narrow stretch of water to the northwest of Mount Kana labeled The Narrows on Steve's Map, but I'm not sure if those are the same Narrows and, even if so, where Hondra might be in relation to this body of water. Near P'iensottaCaptain Gant-Aerethia ... from a marshy south-western lake region ... during the Island Wars, especially at the Battle of Near P'iensotta ... the Charge of the Brown River Nearbythe village of Nearby in Mistyvale County ... a few more turnings brought them to a particular row of stunted evergreen trees, where they left the road, traveling in a straight line for a little over a mile, after which they crossed a brook, climbed over a low hill, and so came to [their camp] ... we will move south a little ... they made their way down to the road, and began riding slowly south. Needle-at-the-TopBoth a mountain just to the north of Mount Kana: a place that is very nearly at the western edge [of the Empire] ... to the far northwestern region of the continent, on a peak called Kana, in the Kanefthali Mountains. In the earliest days of the Empire, when the seventeen tribes ... began moving east, among the first discoveries was [the Kanefthali Mountains, and Zerika negotiated a portion away from the Serioli] This portion centered around four of the mountains: Koopyr, famous for its large twin peaks ... Needle-at-the-Top and Redground ... and Kana, which looked back north upon the others ... the Serioli [were] confined to the far north, on such peaks as Lostway and Brownhead ... in a lower valley of Kana called Whiteside, near a village of the same name And a Duchy within the Kanefthali Mountains Duke of Needle-At-The-Top ... [whose coach] nearly made the jump across the Lonely Ridge in the Kanefthali Mountains. NewhouseBaroness of Newhouse Nileesitacthe mighty sculpture by the unknown artist called the Hammer of Bre’in (lost, alas, in the Fall of the City), to Rahera’s epic poem, Homecoming of Sitrata, to the nine-day play The Fall of Nileesitac Nuresitthe port city of Adrilankha ... the rice still grew beyond the jungles to the southwest, the wheat and maize was still collected in the flatlands to the south, the sheep and the cows still grazed the grasslands to the east ... [from Burning Island to Adrilankha] We stopped for several years in a village called Markingstone ... and then again in a place called Nuresit home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |