home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 16 - Mistyvale CountyMistyvale County--that is to say, the Mistyvale County between Adrilankha and the Shallow Sea, as opposed to one of the other three--[was] one of the handful of counties nestled between Southmoor and Bra-Moor, south of the Collier Hills, and twenty-five or thirty leagues west and north of Aerich's home of Brachington's Moor. Paarfi goes on to zero in on the Deepwell Inn--where the Blue Fox is based--so I believe the distance stated above is in reference to the Deepwell Inn, not the "closest border" of Mistyvale to Southmoor. [Mistyvale County, where the Blue Fox is] a region some hundred miles northwest of Dzur Mountain. Here again, this passage is referring to the Blue Fox, who is based out of the Deepwell Inn, so I believe Paarfi is giving us the distance in reference to that point, and not to the closest border of Mistyvale. I found the point that most closely matches the distances and directions given, which puts it closer to Bra-moor and farther from Dzur Mountain than Paarfi says on Steve's Map:
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