home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 14 - NewmarketWhen Zerika et al actually make the journey from Dzur Mountain to Deathgate Falls discussed in the previous chapter, Paarfi describes the first few weeks of their journey culminating in a conversation about where Newmarket is: It was on a Farmday in late winter of the 246th year of the Interregnum that [Zerika and friends] set out from Dzur Mountain, bound for Deathgate Falls and the Paths of the Dead ... by the time ten or twelve days had passed ... we are now in the duchy called Luatha / And the Sorannah? / Sorannah the region or Sorannah the county? ... the entire province has the name as well as a county within the duchy of Two Rivers [The County] is that way [pointing with her left hand] Across the Shallow River / The Shallow River? ... I thought it was called the Laughing River? / Oh, it is / where is Newmarket? / If it still exists ... it is thirty or forty miles in that direction / the Marquisate of Khaavren cannot be far / No, it cannot ... yet I do not know precisely where it is ... were we to turn around and travel back downriver to the place where the Yendi River joins the Shallow ... we might see barges carrying that famous wine down to the deltas ... And then they resume their journay: they stayed wet for several days, as spring in Luatha is not a dry season; yet they continued, and eventually the rains ceased ... We have been making five leagues a day, have we not? ... The Lady Zerika ... pretends we can now make ten leagues a day ... in the old days, we made ten leagues a day without ... using the posts ... they passed through Luatha and continued northward, looking forward to their first sight of the Eastern Mountains, still far ahead; and, at their northern tip, some fifteen hundred miles away, Deathgate Falls and the Paths of the Dead. There appear to be a number of issues with this passage and Steve's Map:
Are they 30-40 miles from Newmarket? Or just north of where the Yendi flows into the Laughing River? Zerika arrives at Deathgate Falls "nearly a full year" later, but as Alexx points out, Paarfi is probably wrong here: "nearly a full year after setting off on their mission". Almost certainly an error. Probably a typo or translation error for "half a year". While planning the trip, Kyttran remarked, "By the time we reach the colder climes, well, it will be at least spring, if not full summer, and thus we will miss the worst of the cold as well as the worst of the heat" (PD 279). This sentiment is not consistent with reaching the Falls in mid-winter. Later, Piro clearly states that they pursued Grita for "All of summer, all of autumn, and much of this winter" (LCB 97). This pursuit seems to have begun no more than 4 days after the battle at Deathgate Falls (LCB 50-60). The pursuit clearly ends in the winter of 247 (LCB 109).] Which means, in total, she traveled about 2,150 miles in 121 days or so, or about 17 miles per day. Let's look at each of the points above:
While I admit the travel times are wonky, everything else better fits with this conversation occurring about 650 miles north of Dzur Mountain and 1,500 miles south of Deathgate Falls. home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |