home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 47 - Other Missing Locations (M)The MaelstromThere are stories of whole lands beyond the sea. Or beneath them, some say. Beyond the Maelstrom, where no ships pass. Except that, maybe, some do. The whirlpools aren't constant, you know. And there is always talk of ways around them, even though we have charts that show only the Grey Rocks on one side, and the Spindrift Lands on the other. But there is talk of other ways, of exploring Spindrift and launching a ship from there. Of places that can be reached, where people speak strange languages and have magics of which we've never heard, where even the Orb is powerless. Markingham Castlea pretender [historian] who ... continues to maintain that Markingham Castle was built for defense against Easterners in spite of over fifty letters of the period that conclusively demonstrate that its first use was as a storage area for grain which was required to be protected from local brigands. Markingstonethe port city of Adrilankha ... the rice still grew beyond the jungles to the southwest, the wheat and maize was still collected in the flatlands to the south, the sheep and the cows still grazed the grasslands to the east ... [from Burning Island to Adrilankha] We stopped for several years in a village called Markingstone ... and then again in a place called Nuresit Moot CountyThere are places, such as Moot County in Greenbough, where, in one town .... while five leagues away, in the next town MudrunVokra of Mudrun home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |