home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 10 - Elde Island[Elde Island] can be found some twenty-five miles off the coast to the southwest ... some seventeen hundred square miles of rich, fertile plain in the central and southeastern area; rocky coastline to make fishing a challenge to the east, and a few modest mountains ... across the neck of the northern "staffhead", which effectively makes the northernmost section its own country ... this northern region, about two hundred miles across and ninety or ninety-five miles from the mountains to the coast, has only two cities ... the first ... is the port of Salute ... the other city is called Kripna ... placed at the inner bend of a river (named Cideen...) that runs from the mountains to Salute ... the clams and culls of the northern coast of Elde (or the southern coast of the Empire) are justly famed, the longfish from the Cideen have a reputation extending across the channel ... an inn [the Silver Goblet], some ten or twelve miles from Kripna A few things here: on Steve's Map, Elde Island appears to be about 60 miles from the Empire at its closest, which is more than twice what Paarfi says (perhaps Paarfi is using some other measure of mile?). Second, I don't understand what he means by "across the neck of the northern 'staffhead'" based on Steve's Map; there's nothing about the shape of Elde that suggests it has a "neck." Having said that, the dimensions given ("about two hundred miles across and ninenty or ninety-five miles from the mountains to the coast" does match up rather well with the northernmost section of the island on Steve's Map, so I drew in a mountain range east-to-west across the island at that point, with a river flowing from the mountain range to Salute. Illista travels across across this channel in The Lord of Castle Black: Before dark that night they had embarked across toward the mainland [from Salute] ... by the ... morning ... they had already reached a small natural harbor, which has no name that we know of, but is found some twenty or twenty-five miles southeast of Ridgly; which is to say, at one of the nearest places to Salute upon which to make landfall. They were met there by a wagon ... It is full night, and I should prefer travel by day; hence we will rest at the Cliffside, which is not five miles from here ... They arrived within a few hours, and there passed the remainder of the night, as well as ... several hours the next day, after which they made their way further up the coast, stopping next ... at the town of Merinna ... we at last leave the coast, and make our way inland to meet with [Kana] ... where are we going .... Hartre, or, rather, a small village not far from Hartre ... that is a tolerably long journey ... They spent that evening at a run-down hostelry on the road ... and the next day they continued on the road. Since the cove is 20 to 25 miles from Ridgly, and Cliffside is less than 5 miles from there (which I guessed meant 4 miles), that means Cliffside is anywhere from 16 (if the cove is 20 miles from Ridgly, and Cliffside is northwest of the cove) to 29 miles (if the cove is 25 miles from Ridgly, and Cliffside is southeast of the cove) from Ridgly. I put it right in the middle, or 23 miles to the southeast of Ridgly. From there, they travel "up the coast" to Merinna; I think "up the coast" suggests to the northwest, but that's the opposite direction from their eventual destination near Hartre, so I put Merinna about a half a day (25 miles) southeast of Cliffside along the coast. From Merinna, they travel inland to go to Hartre where they intend to eventually rendezvous with Kana. Hartre is also on the coast, so my guess is that they traveled inland to the Great Northwestern Road (which runs between Lorimel and Hartre). I drew a road connecting Merinna to the nearest point of the Great Northwestern Road. home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |