The Map of Dragaera
Chapter 1 -Steve's Map
Chapter 2 -Speculative Cartography
Chapter 3 -The East
Chapter 4 -The Grand Canal
Chapter 5 -The Eastern River
Chapter 6 -The Kanefthali Mountains
Chapter 7 -Northport
Chapter 8 -Harata
Chapter 9 -Greenaere
Chapter 10 -Elde Island
Chapter 11 -The Southern Coast
Chapter 12 -Daavya
Chapter 13 -Arylle and Luatha
Chapter 14 -Newmarket
Chapter 15 -Whitemill/Gatehall
Chapter 16 -Mistyvale County
Chapter 17 -The Southeast
Chapter 18 -Dragaera City
Chapter 19 -Fornia
Chapter 20 -The Collier Hills
Chapter 21 -Castle Rock
Chapter 22 -The Pepperfields
Chapter 23 -Castle Redface
Chapter 24 -Burz
Chapter 25 -The Ash Mountains
Chapter 26 -Daeld Mountains
Chapter 27 -Kliuev
Chapter 28 -Zerika's Point
Chapter 29 -Miscellaneous Locations
Chapter 30 -The Lay of the Land
Unresolved Issues
Chapter 31 -Blackchapel
Chapter 32 -The Pepper Road
Chapter 33 -The Massacre in Tirma
Chapter 34 -The Holdfree Mines
Chapter 35 -Other Missing Locations (A)
Chapter 36 -Other Missing Locations (B)
Chapter 37 -Other Missing Locations (C)
Chapter 38 -Other Missing Locations (D)
Chapter 39 -Other Missing Locations (E)
Chapter 40 -Other Missing Locations (F)
Chapter 41 -Other Missing Locations (G)
Chapter 42 -Other Missing Locations (H)
Chapter 43 -Other Missing Locations (I)
Chapter 44 -Other Missing Locations (J)
Chapter 45 -Other Missing Locations (K)
Chapter 46 -Other Missing Locations (L)
Chapter 47 -Other Missing Locations (M)
Chapter 48 -Other Missing Locations (N)
Chapter 49 -Other Missing Locations (P)
Chapter 50 -Other Missing Locations (R)
Chapter 51 -Other Missing Locations (S)
Chapter 52 -Other Missing Locations (T)
Chapter 53 -Other Missing Locations (V)
Chapter 54 -Other Missing Locations (W)
Chapter 55 -Other Missing Locations (Y)
Chapter 56 -Other Missing Locations (Z)

Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at]

Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted.

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Chapter 20 - The Collier Hills

The Collier Hills appear to encircle Arylle:

The westernmost county, called Pitroad, is separated from the Yendi River by the Collier Hills which, in fact, form something like a ring around the entire Duchy.
Five Hundred Years After, Chapter 9

But they are also referred to as being north of Mistyvale (the county in which the Deepwell Inn is located), which Paarfi says is in Luatha, but Steve's Map shows is in Arylle:

Mistyvale County--that is to say, the Mistyvale County between Adrilankha and the Shallow Sea, as opposed to one of the other three--[was] one of the handful of counties nestled between Southmoor and Bra-Moor, south of the Collier Hills, and twenty-five or thirty leagues west and north of Aerich's home of Brachington's Moor. The entire region is hills and valleys, with the Adrilankha River cutting through them like an orange ribbon ... The hills and valleys are all modest, even compared to the Collier Hills
Sethra Lavode, Chapter 76

Moreover, the only Collier Hills shown on Steve's Map is a small feature in the northwest portion of Arylle.

There appears to be a hilly region between Arylle and Southmoor that is not the Collier Hills:

Nowhere else that I know of are iron ore, oil, and coal all to be found in the same, narrow region of a few small mountains and valleys. / How many counties are we speaking of? / Five / How much in area? / Perhaps twelve hundred square miles. / ... Where are these counties, exactly? / Just south of the Collier Hills ... I have just promised three of them to [Morrolan]
Sethra Lavode, Chapter 69

There are three counties to the north I have promised you [south of the Collier Hills]
Sethra Lavode, Chapter 74

These passages seemed at odds with one another, but when I asked Steve about it, he replied:

Hmmm...actually, that sounds right on all counts ... Part of the confusion, of course, is just what exactly constitutes the "Collier Hills." Do they refer to only that set of not-quite-mountains in the southwest of Arylle? Or do they refer to the entire hilly region from which coal can be mined? Depends on the mapmaker.

The most obvious elevated position in the southeast is Dzur Mountain, which is located due south of Arylle on Steve's Map, and is almost certainly the most prominent peak in the "not-quite-mountains" mentioned by Steve, which are located to the southwest of Arylle.

These latter hills appear to be mentioned again when Khaavren travels from Adrilankha to Bra-moor:

they [left Adrilankha and] made moderately good time, achieving fifteen miles on the first day, and nearly twenty on each of the next two. They slept out in the open, under the sky, taking turns watching. There being only four of them, and there being as well a need to keep one on watch at all times as they slept, by the fourth day they were all sufficiently exhausted as to get a late start, and to decide to retire early; which they repeated on the sixth day ... in this way ... it happened that by early evening of the sixth day they had passed the Collier Hills, and [saw] Brachington's Moor.
The Lord of Castle Black, Chapter 36

AdrilankhaBra-moorNortheast262875 days and 4 hours

The references to "miles" in the above should probably be "leagues", since Bra-moor is over 250 miles from Adrilankha on Steve's Map.

I think that suggests that there is a row of hills that stretches from Dzur Mountain west and north to the area marked as the Collier Hills on Steve's Map.

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Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at]

Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted.