home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 6 - The Kanefthali MountainsThe northwest appears to be dominated by a chain of mountains called the Kanefthali Mountains. a place that is very nearly at the western edge [of the Empire] ... to the far northwestern region of the continent, on a peak called Kana, in the Kanefthali Mountains. In the earliest days of the Empire, when the seventeen tribes ... began moving east, among the first discoveries was [the Kanefthali Mountains, and Zerika negotiated a portion away from the Serioli] This portion centered around four of the mountains: Koopyr, famous for its large twin peaks ... Needle-at-the-Top and Redground ... and Kana, which looked back north upon the others ... the Serioli [were] confined to the far north, on such peaks as Lostway and Brownhead ... in a lower valley of Kana called Whiteside, near a village of the same name Beyond a general sense of direction, there is not enough information to map out the relationship between most of the peaks described by these two passages. One that I did locate was Lostway, based on the following observation: the sixteen hour journey [from Kana's home] to his home in the lush Valley of Three Seasons at the feet of Mount Lostway [north of Kana] ... [Roannac] had a view of the Coldwater Lake and much of the valley [from her porch at Three Seasons manor] The Valley of Three Seasons is settled by Dragaerans (Tiassa in this case), yet is at the foot of the Serioli peak Lostway. This establishes Lostway as something of a dividing line between the Serioli and Dragaeran portions of the chain. Sixteen hours would appear to be approximately 48 miles (3 miles per hour is my estimated travel speed), and yet Lostway is described as being in the "far north" of the range. I guessed that Mount Lostway was exactly midway between Mount Kana and the northernmost peak, and then located the two cities as close together as possible by putting Whiteside (where the carriage ride originated) 25 miles north of Mount Kana (based on my "width of mountains" argument, and north to put it closest to the western edge of the mountains), and Three Seasons 25 miles west of Mount Lostway. That puts the trip at 140 miles as the jhereg flies, which is still very far for a carriage ride over (or around) the mountains in sixteen hours, but it's the closest I can get the two without violating the text. The DesecratorI used the location [Sethra] gave me and [teleported to] Lansord an hour after dawn ... there's no physicker closer than Bringan, ten miles to the east ... the ground rises steadily as you look west, to the foothills of the Kanefthali Mountains. Mount Durilai is closest; as you start west it rises over your head; I'd have liked to climb it ... sometime when there's less snow ... I found a path ... to the left ... and followed it for a day ... The next morning I ... washed up a bit in a stream. It was very cold. It was around mid-morning when I found the cave, hidden by a profusion of calia. I pushed the bushes aside ... The cave went pretty deep into the mountain ... I was walking for more than two hours [and ran into Daymar]. This is an abandoned Serioli dwelling that goes back to the Second cycle. This is very speculative, but the cave is Serioli, so I think that puts it in the northern part of the Kanefthali Mountains, and on Steve's Map, there are three portions of the Kanefthali Mountains that vie for easternmost peak. One of those is south of Lostway, so I don't think it's part of the Serioli section. I guessed that the middle of the three easternmost peaks was Durilai, and put Lansord a few miles before the eastern slope, and then put Bringan 10 miles east of Lansord. home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |