home | contents | previous | next | index Chapter 46 - Other Missing Locations (L)Landing PointI went to a place about which I had read. It was winter when I arrived and, as it was far to the north ... it was very cold ... Go west, and do not stop until you reach Landing Point, where you can find a ship. [From Candletown] It was two or three months after that, which is to say, the middle of summer ... four days later ... we can easily use the posts in order to arrive the sooner, and stay in the best inns to arrive the more rested ... In a single day, all of the preparations were complete ... The next day ... they took a carriage to the first post station [from there they] set out for the northwest, leaving behind Candletown ... one might pick a more-or-less typical day and discuss that they switched horses four times at post stations [or on another day] to return fifteen miles in order to have strong words with the post master ... after a ride of some days, during which summer ended and autumn began [they] arrived safely at the small port of Ivaacim. This village ... is of roughly the size of Wetrock ... was named for the first baron ... it signified "landing place." That there are at least twelve other villages within the same region whose names also meaning "landing place" need not concern us ... Upon arriving (on foot, as they had left the horses at the nearest post station, some eight miles distant) ... this far north the nights tended to become uncomfortably cold even in high summer Landlocked HarborIn Mistyvale County. Dewers's famous Tales of the Landlocked Harbor are set there Perhaps there is a lake large enough to support a harbor? Steve's Map doesn't show any lakes in Mistyvale County. Landrok ValleyBaron Byrna of Landrok Valley LandsightI have heard ... that among Orca who take long voyages to the south, such as trading expeditions to Landsight, when one travels far enough south, it is just as if one were traveling north. [Zerika] wished to send an envoy to the Queen of Landsight, she did not, at this time, have access to a ship that was able to make this journey the pirates of Elde Island would have utterly prevented our trade with Greenaere, Holcomb, and Landsight Leramontthe noted traveler Ustav of Leramont Libeduas clear as the water of Libedu. Liberty Cove/Liberty Cove/, which, although focusing only on one place County of LimterakThe Countess of Limterak LockfreeThe County of Arylle was raised to a Duchy ... in recognition of Corpet's daughter ... who assisted in the Siege of Blacktar by refusing passage of supply trains through her domain, and, further, by refusing to sell her produce to the rebellious Baroness of Lockfree LockheadState your city of residence / Lockhead He is being questioned about the events that occurred in Tirma, in the northwest, but there's no indication whether he resided in the northwest as well, or simply traveled there with his unit. The Lonely RidgeDuke of Needle-At-The-Top ... [whose coach] nearly made the jump across the Lonely Ridge in the Kanefthali Mountains. Longburry Islandsrebellion broke out along the coast to the southwest [of Dragaera City] in response to the combination of wheat shortages from the north [and] piracy from the Longburry Islands ... [Sethra put down the rebellion] on Bernen's Field. Probably somewhere near Elde Island, perhaps between Elde and Hartre, or even to the southwest of Elde. Longgardenwhile in Dragaera City the Baron of Karris was preparing an expedition to venture into the eastern jungles ... at that same moment, in the desert of Suntra a caravan of traders [were] on their way to the port city of Adrilankha [and] would be passing through the jungle; and it was in this way that there came the fateful meeting between Ricci of Longgarden and Nessa of Kobi that resulted, some few years later, in the Battle Beneath the Hills and the subsequent rise to power of the Chreotha who became the Empress Synna the Fourth. Longgrass CountyI think this is probably another name for the Sorannah, or Luatha, and if not, this is the region known for it's tall grasses. During the War of the Barons there was a case where an entire county--I believe Longgrass Longwaterat an inn outside of [Dragaera City], in the district of Longwater. Lottstownthe iron center of Lottstown, far to the east [of Adrilankha]. Numerous roads crisscross Mistyvale County: from Riverwall to Steps, from Brambles to Crossway, from Nacine to Gridley, from Hillcrest to Ripples, from Lottstown to Gorge. Lottstown Roadthere is the Gridley Road, and the Lottstown Road, but there are three distinct roads called Hillcrest Pike and two that are known generally as the Brambles Road ... the Pins [an inn or tavern] between Crossway and Hillcrest ... another ... found on the Hillcrest Pike not far from Deepwell, is the Deepwell Inn [the Blue Fox] ... Mistyvale [County] had been part of Arylle, Luatha, and even Hampers at various times. Lowfang Rock[From Wetrock] Mistress Potter permitted me to remain in the boat and was so complaisant as to carry me along the coast as far as Lowfang Rock. Lynch[Uttrik's two combats] were in the south-west ... they took place in the duchy of Fautonswell ... under the Duke of Twinoaks ... against Kliburr, and the Carriage House Uprising ... to teach them to respect the supply lines that connected us with Lynch home | contents | previous | next | index Questions? Comments? Please contact me at dragaera [at] bryann.net. Copyright © 2020 Bryan Newell, unless otherwise noted. |